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Dark Grey Cubic Cobblestones

2,695.00 kr.

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Dark Grey Cobblestones from Portugal

Natural and elegant dark grey cobblestones from Portugal

Create a timeless and stylish outdoor experience with these stunning dark grey cobblestones. These stones add a sublime and sophisticated atmosphere to any outdoor space. With their classic charm and exceptional durability, they are the perfect choice for creating beautiful and inviting outdoor areas.

By choosing cobblestones for your driveway, you not only achieve a beautiful design but also a practical and functional surface. These stones can withstand heavy loads while remaining stable and attractive for years. You can confidently drive in and out of your driveway without worrying about damage or wear.

Patios and terraces gain an exclusive upgrade with the use of cobblestones. You can create enchanting patterns and geometric designs by combining different sizes or laying them in traditional patterns. The natural dark grey color serves as a neutral background that highlights surrounding plants and landscape details beautifully.

When used for garden paths or walkways in public areas, the grey cobblestones create a comfortable and safe surface. Their natural slip resistance and ability to repel water make them ideal for creating paths that are easy to walk on, even in wet weather.

An additional benefit of grey cobblestones is their versatility and ability to adapt to different design styles. Whether you prefer a modern, traditional, or rustic look, these stones can be seamlessly integrated to create a cohesive and attractive outdoor aesthetic.

Overall, the grey cobblestones from Portugal are a timeless choice, adding elegance and durability to any outdoor area. Their natural beauty and resilience against the test of time make them a long-lasting investment that will bring joy for years to come.

Features and Benefits of Dark Grey Cobblestones

These grey cobblestones are made from granite, offering exceptional durability and resistance to wear and weather. Their subtle and elegant grey color makes them easy to combine with various colors and styles. The stones are naturally slip-resistant, providing a safe surface even in wet or slippery conditions.

Another advantage of grey cobblestones is their low maintenance requirements. They are easy to clean and require minimal upkeep to maintain their beauty and durability for years. This makes them an economical long-term choice as they rarely need replacement or repairs.

Applications of Dark Grey Cobblestones

Cobblestones from Portugal can be used in various outdoor projects. They are perfect for driveways, as they can withstand vehicle loads while maintaining their aesthetic appeal. These stones can also create beautiful patios, terraces, and walkways, adding charm and elegance to any home or commercial space.

In addition, dark grey cobblestones are well-suited for public spaces such as parks, squares, and historic urban areas. Their authentic appearance and durability make them ideal for preserving and recreating historical atmospheres and urban environments.

Sizes and Coverage of Cobblestones

A cobblestone measures approximately 9 x 9 x 9 cm, although sizes may vary slightly.
We offer various sizes of our big bags with dark grey cobblestones, so you can get the right amount of stones for your project.

Available big bag sizes:

  • Maxibag 1000 kg ≈ 450 stones / approx. 5 m²
  • Maxibag 1100 kg ≈ 495 stones / approx. 5.5 m²
  • Maxibag 1200 kg ≈ 540 stones / approx. 6 m²
  • Maxibag 1300 kg ≈ 585 stones / approx. 6.5 m²
  • Maxibag 1400 kg ≈ 630 stones / approx. 7 m²
  • Maxibag 1500 kg ≈ 675 stones / approx. 7.5 m²
  • Maxibag 1600 kg ≈ 720 stones / approx. 8 m²
  • Maxibag 1700 kg ≈ 765 stones / approx. 8.5 m²

The images show the grey cobblestones in both dry and wet conditions.

Delivery of Dark Grey Cobblestones

We deliver our cobblestones across Denmark, and the delivery price is included when there is a fixed bridge connection. Our experienced drivers always ensure the most suitable delivery method, but you can also specify a preferred delivery spot in the free-text field provided when entering your address.

We offer three different delivery methods, and you can choose the one that suits you best by entering your postal code on our website.

Standard Delivery

This delivery method is included in the price. It ensures that your cobblestones are delivered to the curbside or the start of your driveway. If you don’t have a driveway or curb (e.g., in rural areas), delivery will be made as close as possible to where the truck can park.

Delivery with a Truck

If you want your cobblestones placed far from the curbside, this delivery method is ideal. A truck will transport the stones to your desired location (provided there is space and access). This method is often used in garden communities where roads are narrow. Our trucks are approximately 2.5 meters wide and weigh 4-5 tons when fully loaded.

Crane Delivery

This option is the best choice if your big bag needs to be placed over a hedge or fence. By selecting this method, you can save yourself significant lifting work and make the process much easier.
The crane truck can reach about 7 meters from the truck.

Learn more about our delivery methods here

Hvor stor er en chaussesten?
En chaussesten måler ca. 9-11 cm. på hver led, dog ofte med lidt udsving- Brugte chaussesten varierer mere i størrelsen, hvilket er en del af charmen.
Hvor mange chaussesten pr. m2
Man skal beregne ca. 90 chaussesten til 1 m²
Hvor meget dækker 1000 kg. chaussesten?
1000 kg. chaussesten (ca. 450 stk.) dækker omkring 5 m²
Hvad vejer en chaussesten?
En chaussesten, som måler 9 x 9 x 9 cm, vejer 2-2,5 kg.