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Cubic Cobblestones

Cubic cobblestones are beautiful granite stones measuring 9–11 cm on all sides. These are produced worldwide in various colors and with different textures. Cubic cobblestones are used to create stunning pavings in various patterns. They can be applied in driveways, for example, in fan patterns or heart patterns, or they can be used in town hall-style pavings, where 40x40 cm tiles are surrounded by cubic cobblestones.

In the Nordic countries, these pavings are also very well-known, originally crafted using stones from Bornholm and southern Sweden. This is evident in the old streets and pavings in the larger cities of Denmark. Later, Denmark began importing cobblestones from Portugal, India, and China in a variety of colors.

Today, the most recognized cubic cobblestones are the grey Porto and dark grey Porto, which come from Portugal. These stones are highly uniform in granite quality and incredibly beautiful.

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Use Cubic Cobblestones for Various Purposes

Cubic cobblestones can be used in countless ways and always deliver beautiful results. They are very easy to work with for any project. Cobblestones are primarily used in driveways, either as a full paving solution or as part of a mixed pattern with other materials. They are also commonly used for stairs, where the steps are made of these stones, often combined with granite curbstones on the outer edge and cobblestones in the center.

Additionally, cobblestones are often used for patio paving, where they are laid in stunning patterns to create a fantastic outcome. One of the most remarkable aspects of these stones is that they never deteriorate over time; in fact, they become more beautiful with age. Moreover, the value of such stones tends to increase the older they get. With cobblestones, you not only achieve exceptional paving but also make a sound investment.

Cubic Cobblestones in Many Sizes and Colors

Cubic cobblestones generally come in the sizes 9x9x9 cm, 10x10x10 cm, and 11x11x11 cm. These are approximate dimensions and may vary slightly, which adds to the uniqueness of the stones. Cobblestones are made of granite, a heavy material. A typical granite cubic cobblestone weighs approximately 2–3 kg per piece, depending on the color. The most common colors are grey or dark grey.

We also offer used cubic cobblestones sourced from old streets in Denmark. These stones feature a worn surface that makes them completely unique and beautiful.

Additionally, we have Moseløkke cubic cobblestones with a reddish hue and Blue Rønne cubic cobblestones with a stunning bluish tint, both originating from Bornholm.

Special Batches

Occasionally, we have the opportunity to offer special batches of products. These are items with a limited supply. We select these batches when we believe they are particularly appealing to our customers. When it comes to cobblestones, we focus on sourcing used stones. Used cobblestones have a unique patina and history, making them exceptionally beautiful and highly sought after.

Currently, we have the following special batches in stock:

Buy Cubic Cobblestones Online at Maxibag

When you choose to buy your cobblestones from us, you can always count on getting the right quality. We carefully select our stones and product range, as thousands of satisfied private and commercial customers can attest. We always offer competitive prices on cobblestones and are happy to guide our customers if you need advice.

Finding a good price or deal on cobblestones, combined with ensuring top quality, is essential. At, we guarantee both, and we look forward to serving you.

How to Lay Cubic Cobblestones

The first question to ask yourself is where the paving will be laid and what it will be used for. It matters whether the paving will support vehicles or if it is solely for pedestrian use.

If the paving needs to support vehicles, it is crucial to create a solid base. We recommend starting with a layer of about 20 cm of road base gravel, compacted thoroughly with a plate compactor. Next, lay approximately 5 cm of paving sand on top of the compacted gravel and compact it as well. Finally, arrange the cobblestones in the desired pattern.

For patios, pathways, or similar applications, we recommend laying 5 cm of crushed gravel followed by 5 cm of paving sand. Both layers should also be compacted with a plate compactor.

If you have further questions about laying cobblestones, feel free to contact our customer service team via email at or by phone at +45 86 96 61 11.

We wish you the best of luck with your project!

Hvor stor er en chaussesten?
En chaussesten måler ca. 9-11 cm. på hver led, dog ofte med lidt udsving- Brugte chaussesten varierer mere i størrelsen, hvilket er en del af charmen.
Hvor mange chaussesten pr. m2
Man skal beregne ca. 90 chaussesten til 1 m²
Hvor meget dækker 1000 kg. chaussesten?
1000 kg. chaussesten (ca. 450 stk.) dækker omkring 5 m²
Hvad vejer en chaussesten?
En chaussesten, som måler 9 x 9 x 9 cm, vejer 2-2,5 kg.